Saturday, February 21, 2015

Does Rebecca Vilkomerson Trust Palestinians

Mondoweiss summarizes a one- vs two-state debate between Peter Beinart and Rebecca Vilkomerson held at the October 2014 Open Hillel Conference
and provides extensive quotes.

Vilkomerson worries that a two-state solution will end up with Palestine that is no more than a bantustan.  That is a valid worry. 

Vilkomerson may worry that Israel will force a sub-standard solution on the Palestinians.  But that is also a worry for a one-state solution.  Namely, that the Israelis will force boundaries on a one-state solution that perpetuates Jewish privilege.  After all, that is what happened during the Oslo negotiations.

But the Palestinians leaders have been strong enough to reject numerous Israeli proposals that did not meet their criteria since at least Camp David in 2000.  We have to assume that Palestinian leaders will continue to reject sub-standard proposals.  Another guard against a sub-standard solution is the Palestinian people who will be required to accept any solution by referendum (that is Hamas’ demand to accept what the PLO negotiates). 

Doesn’t Vilkomerson trust Palestinians?

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