Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to Affect American Israel-Palestine Policy

Progressives who work on the Israel-Palestine issue are always seeking traction among the American public with the expectation that when enough Americans want a policy change, Congress will be receptive to change. 

Mitchell Plitnick gave us some insight in his interview on “The Sunday Show” on from Feb. 15, 2015 on KPFA (http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/111238 ).  He said that Americans view of Israel goes up and down, but Americans view of Palestinians is consistently low.  Plitnick explicitly said that Americans will change their understanding of Israel-Palestine because of anything Palestinians do.

Much of the progressive movement related to Israel-Palestine focuses on Palestinian suffering and Palestinian rights.  But Plitnick is telling us that that tactic will not work.  He is telling us that we much focus on Israel’s bad actions.

If Plitnick has any validity, why do we call ourselves the “Palestinian Solidarity Movement”?

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